Rethink giving

[About 2 months ago]

"Claire - want to be part of a project?"


"You don’t even know what it is yet…"

"That’s OK, I like projects."

That last line is probably one of the biggest understatements I’ve uttered in a while. I REALLY like projects. I also really like projects that combine a few of my favourite things. I first came across AzuKo’s work earlier in the year, particularly drawn to their research-based and participatory methods of design. Fast forward a few months and I was happy to lend some time, a few words, and some questionable items to their #GivingTuesday campaign.

The campaign is simple in itself. Through the eBay for Charity Challenge I could not only lend a hand to a good cause, but also begin to declutter my home of some of the weird and wonderful things I have accumulated over the years (much to the annoyance of my housemate). Add a dash of eBay adrenaline and you’ve certainly got yourself a different way of giving this year.

And so, herein lies what is fundamentally lovely about AzuKo - rethinking not only the way we consider development but also how we give to one another. Solidifying that one man’s rubbish is another’s treasure.

I’m not going to lie, I’m also hoping that my middle eastern pipe will put me in good standing for the most unusual item sold.

Until 2 December... happy giving, bidding & eBay auctioning!


Author: C. Tunnacliffe