
Measuring social impact

AzuKo seeks to support poverty alleviation through human centred design; shining a light on the processes and evaluating the outcomes.

We are therefore embarking on a journey to define and measure our social impact through a series of workshops facilitated by our trustee Katie Crepeau (a heavyweight in the PID movement). Over the next few months we will be opening our doors to the public, to document these workshops on

We hope you will join us and continue the dialogue online. 

Read Katie’s article.


Author: J. Ashbridge  

Business cards

It has been a little difficult to keep all those interested parties up to date with our activities, as things are moving along with such pace. Informal conversations, serendipitous encounters, potential partners...

Now our business cards are in, we hope many more will be able to keep in contact and continue the dialogue. It's an exciting time as our brand comes together.


Author: J. Ashbridge


It is an exciting time in the office. Our website is now out in the big wide world and we are supported by a new Facebook page. We believe wholeheartedly in public interest design and the human centred methods which are integral to the approach.

We like to be up to date with global initiatives and social media provides a platform to share ideas. Although still in our infancy, it is wonderful to receive support from friends and strangers, individuals and organisations that are keen to join us in our design revolution. We are honoured to have been recognised on one of our favourite blogs, Public Interest Design and we hope to continue reaching out to those with an interest in this field.

Thank you for your support.


Author: J. Ashbridge