In 2013 the seeds of AzuKo were planted. We discussed how design could help those in need. We asked ourselves how we could contribute. In 2014 AzuKo was born. Our mission is to design with disadvantaged communites, and empower them to create the world they dream of.
Four years on we’re operating in the UK, Bangladesh and China, working towards this goal. Our journey so far:
To celebrate our birthday we brought together people who champion our cause. Our AzuKo family. During the evening we shared highlights over the last four years, gave thanks and designed our future, together.

The big give
We asked you to join us and pledge your time, skills, money, resources. Here's two wonderful commitments:
Hannah Davey
"I pledge to complete the Nuclear Race with a team championing AzuKo. Helping others who wouldn't have thought it possible to do the course themselves. I pledge to fundraise for AzuKo and get 50% of my supporters to sign up to the AzuKo newsletter."
Margherita Buzzi
"I'll make something good to eat, and sell it in the office - raising funds for AzuKo's projects."
"I'll post the work I've done with AzuKo on my social media and website to spread the word."
Your SUPER-strengths
We think our supporters are truly amazing. Let’s fully embrace our strengths, skills and different approaches. Together we can create positive social change.
That's why we created personalised pins for everyone on the night. These archetypes are just a perspective. Take what’s meaningful to you, celebrate what’s true.
Does your type allow you to reimagine what you can give to the world?
*Inspired by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Our 2017 SUPERheroes
Congratulations to these amazing individuals for their support in 2017. We salute you.
Lucie Murray (NLA) - UK SUPERHERO
Si-Joe Portal (Arup) - BRINGER OF JOY
Donating to create change
The raffle raised over £300, which will go to our work with JAAGO Foundation to design and build a pilot playspace for an 'online' school in rural Bangladesh.
“‘magical’ ‘friendly’ ‘inspirational’ ‘unity’ ‘passionate’ ‘welcoming’ ‘warm’”
Solving wicked problems
One of our favourite parts of the evening was the 'wicked problems' brainstorm - "How might we..." You imagined fantastic possibilities for AzuKo.
We'd like to explore how to achieve them, so we're hosting a meetup to continue the brainstorm. You're all invited.
Wednesday, 18 April
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Central London
We'd like to thank everyone who helped us put on our birthday event. A few key players:
DONORS: Upstairs @ The Department Store / Squire & Partners / Ryder / New London Architecture / Native North / Rio Cinema / Neal's Yard Remedies / Beth Ashbridge / Phill Wilson-Perkin. VOLUNTEERS: Justin Brown / Margherita Buzzi / Hannah Davey / Adam Fryett / Joao Leal / Ronnie McGibbon / Claire Moody
Here's to next year's celebration!