Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
This policy intends to enable AzuKo to promote good practice and carry out its activities in a way that prevents any harm, abuse or coercion (collectively called abuse) of children and vulnerable adults. It also intends to ensure that any allegations or suspicions of abuse are dealt with appropriately and to prevent that abuse from continuing.
This policy applies to all employees, trustees, volunteers, agency staff and any other individual working on behalf of AzuKo.
We will:
treat all children and adults at risk with respect and celebrate their achievements
carefully recruit and select all staff whether paid or unpaid
respond to concerns and allegations appropriately
adopt the recommendations of the SAFE Safeguarding Children & Young People toolkit and Adult Safeguarding toolkit
1.1 Definitions
Vulnerable adults as defined by the Department of Health, are people who are over 18 years of age and are getting or may need help and services to live in the community because of disabilities, age or illness. Vulnerable adults may be unable to take care of themselves and unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation by other people.
1.2 Abuse is not limited to but can include:
emotional abuse
Abuse can take place in any setting, public or private, and can be perpetuated by anyone.
2.1 Responsible persons
AzuKo board member (lead): Reena Agarwal
AzuKo staff member (deputy): Jo Ashbridge
Responsible persons of AzuKo have a duty to identify abuse and report it. Though neither may be present in the instance of or disclosure of abuse, both must perform due diligence, enquire into the circumstances of the abuse and/or the disclosure and notify the appropriate people / organisations.
2.2 Responsibilities of AzuKo’s trustee board:
To nominate a senior member of the charity to be responsible for the protection of children and vulnerable adults
To ensure all employees, trustees, volunteers, agency staff and any other individual working on behalf of AzuKo (collectively known as workers) are familiar with this policy and are aware of children’s and vulnerable adult’s need for protection
To notify the appropriate people and organisations if abuse is identified or suspected and collaborate with those organisations to investigate and stop abuse (for list of appropriate organisations e.g. relatives, police, social care, Charity Commission see appendix A)
To keep appropriate records of all allegations and suspicions raised and reasons for decision being made to refer or not refer them onwards
To respect appropriate confidentiality and data protection rules when handling any complaints, suspicions and reports of abuse
To support and where possible secure the safety of individuals and ensure that all referrals to services have full information in relation to identified risk and vulnerability
To undertake criminal records checks on staff that have access to or work with children and vulnerable adults where possible, in the UK this will be using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
To arrange training for staff, as appropriate
Will endeavour to remain up to date with legal and best practice regarding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults
2.3 Responsibilities of all workers, AzuKo staff and/or volunteers:
To be familiar with and adhere to the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy
To take appropriate action and report abuse or suspicions of abuse to the nominated manager in charge of protecting children and vulnerable adults
If appropriate seek the consent of the individual to report the concern. If this is not appropriate, then record why this decision was made.
To declare any unexpired, existing or subsequent convictions
In emergency situations to report the situation to the emergency services
To ensure that all volunteers engaging with children and/or vulnerable adults be in the presence of AzuKo staff at all times
2.4 Staff Allegations
Concerns about the behaviour of adult(s) in the organisation will be referred, without delay, to the lead for safeguarding who will:
in the case of a child, contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) at children’s social care services, or the police in an emergency. As a result of investigations, we have a legal duty to refer to the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) any individuals, who work or volunteer, in regulated activity because it is thought they have harmed or will pose a risk of harm to children. Referrals will also be made to any regulated bodies including Care Quality Commission, Ofsted and the Charity Commission as relevant.
in the case of a vulnerable adult, contact the Designated Adult Safeguarding Manager (or local equivalent) at social care services, or the police, if a crime may have been committed
2.5 Whistleblowing
In the rare situations that the concerns are about the lead for safeguarding, it is important to refer to the deputy person. This may not be possible, in which case any member may personally refer direct to the appropriate organisations.
2.6 Support for those who report abuse
All those making a complaint or allegation or expressing concern, whether they are staff and/or volunteers / service users / members of the general public should be reassured that:
All allegations or concerns will be treated seriously
All comments will be treated confidentially, but their concerns will be shared with the appropriate authorities if they or others are considered to be at risk
They will be provided with feedback on the process and actions being taken where appropriate
2.7 Children and vulnerable adults have the right:
To be made aware of the contents of this policy
To have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously
To receive confidential, fair and respectful treatment throughout
To be involved in any process as appropriate
To receive information about the outcome
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually. The designated person responsible for the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy is: Reena Agarwal.
1.0 Guidance for individuals responsible for the protection of children and vulnerable adults in AzuKo
1.1 In the case of a child, making a decision whether to refer or not, the individual responsible should take into account:
The safety or wellbeing of the child concerned
Whether a crime has been committed
Confidentiality - never agree to keep secrets. You have a duty to report safeguarding concerns.
1.2 In the case of a vulnerable adult, making a decision whether to refer or not, the individual responsible should take into account:
The adult’s wishes and preferred outcome
Whether the adult has mental capacity to make an informed decision about their own and others’ safety
The safety or wellbeing of the individuals concerned
Whether there is a person in a position of trust involved
Whether a crime has been committed
1.3 This should inform the decision whether to notify the concern to the following people / organisations:
Police if a crime has been committed and/or
Social Services / Adult Welfare Services
Local Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB)
Respective statutory child protection agencies (children’s services and/or police)
Local Safeguarding Children Board (LCSB)
Charity Commission
Family / relatives as appropriate (seek advice from social services / police if required)